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Series of Talks for the Coming Months

Father Edmund 

06 October 2024

My thanks to all those who have suggested topics for catechesis. I am very happy to offer series of talks to all those who might be interested: dates to be announced in the next week or so. In preparation, if you don’t already have a Catholic Bible, please be sure to purchase one!


Testament: Sign, Sacrifice, and Covenant
This series of talks will offer a correction as to our understanding of what the New Testament is: it is not a collection of books, but rather a Sacrifice: the Mass itself. If the New Testament is the Mass, the Old Testament are those offerings that pre-figured and prepared the Chosen People for the New and Everlasting Testament. Over the course of these talks, we will explore the Testaments - or Covenants - God made with Adam and
Eve, Noah, Moses, Israel, and the sacrifices of Abel, Abraham, Melchizedek, and Passover all foreshadowing the Sacrifice of Calvary and the Sacrifice of New Testament, the Holy Mass and Christ’s Real Presence.

Talk 1 Introduction and Themes
Talk 2 The Testaments with Adam, Noah
Talk 3 The Testaments with Moses, Israel
Talk 4 Old: Testament, Sacrifice, Priesthood
Talk 5 New: Testament, Sacrifice, Priesthood
Talk 6 The Real Presence and the Mass


The Women of The Bible
This series will highlight 26 women from the pages of the Bible. You might not have considered reading the Scriptures through the eyes of the women of the Bible before, but to do so will open up fascinating stories and
characters, women of incredible courage and fierce zeal. Each talk will narrate the life of the chosen characters and see the part they played in the drama of Salvation.

Talk 1 Introduction and Themes
Talk 2 Eve and Noah’s wife
Talk 3 Sarah and Hagar
Talk 4 Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah
Talk 5 Zipporah and Miriam
Talk 6 Hannah, Bathsheba, and Abigail
Talk 7 Rahab and Tamar
Talk 8 Ruth and Naomi
Talk 9 Esther
Talk 10 Deborah, Judith, and Jael
Talk 11 Elizabeth and our Lady
Talk 12 Martha, Mary, Pontius Pilate’s wife
Talk 13 Lydia, Priscilla, Tabitha, and Phoebe


The Gospel According to St Luke
As ‘Year C’ fast approaches and we will read the Gospel of Luke from Advent 2024, this series will offer an overview of the Gospel of Luke. Unlike the reading of the whole text we undertook for St John’s Gospel, we shall look at the particular differences of St Luke’s Gospel and how it was written and structured. Remember: Luke Gospel has a sequel, the Acts of the Apostles. It is also the Gospel from which we get the Annunciation and the birth of Jesus in a stable.

Talk 1 An Introduction to St Luke
Talk 2 The Annunciation to Zechariah
Talk 3 The Annunciation to our Lady
Talk 4 The Christmas Narrative
Talk 5 The 3 Canticles of St Luke’s Gospel
Talk 6 Zacchaeus, Prodigal, Good Samaritan
Talk 7 The Good Thief, The Road to Emmaus
Talk 8 Epilogue: The Acts of the Apostles


The Papacy: Successors of St Peter
One of the most distinguishing features of being a Catholic is that we are in Communion with the Successor of St Peter, the Bishop of Rome, whom we call the Pope. Our present Holy Father, Pope Francis, is the 266th pope in direct succession from St Peter. But what is the papacy? What is Christ’s intention by founding the Church on St Peter and his successors? Why is the pope the Bishop of Rome? Over this series of talks, we will explore the papacy and some occupants of the Throne of St Peter.

Of particular interest might be the only Englishman elected to the papacy (so far!) - Pope Adrian IV and the pope who excommunicated Elizabeth I Boleyn and fought of a Turkish invasion through the holy Rosary, Pope St Pius V.

Talk 1 An Introduction to the Papacy
Talk 2 Was St Peter the first pope?
Talk 3 The first 40 popes
Talk 4 Two Greats: Leo I and Gregory I
Talk 5 Two Sinners: Alexander VI and Leo X
Talk 6 The English Pope: Adrian IV
Talk 7 Reformation and War: St Pius V
Talk 8 How A Pope is Elected: The Conclave

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