Parish Sacraments Programs
The sacraments in the Catholic Church are considered essential rituals and acts of divine grace. They are believed to have been instituted by Jesus Christ and are vital for spiritual growth and salvation. The Catholic Church recognizes seven sacraments, each serving a unique purpose in the life of a Catholic
Each sacrament serves as a channel of God's grace and is deeply rooted in the tradition and teachings of the Church. They mark significant moments and transitions in the life of a Catholic, nurturing their faith and relationship with God
Sacraments of the Sick and Marriage
Anointing of the Sick - Please Email or Phone the Parish Office if you or someone you know needs to receive this Scrament: Phone: 0151 355 5877 | Email:
Matrimony (Marriage) - Please email the parish office is you are thinkning of getting Married at one of our three Churches: Email:
Register Interest
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