Sunday 02 March 2025
Eighth Sunday
This past week, I was very sorry to hear the news of the death of Fr Mark Turner, the Vicar of St Paul, Hooton. We had enjoyed a very good relationship since his appointment in January 2023; we were due to meet for a coffee and a catch up last Wednesday afternoon. Our prayerful condolences go to his wife, Sarah, and son, James. May he rest in peace. Our sympathies also go to the parish of St Paul at Hooton who will be mourning the loss of their pastor. Please pray for the repose of Fr Marks’ soul, the comfort of his family, and the community at St Paul, Hooton.
This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent. There are Masses at 8am, 12.15pm, and 6.15pm to enable as many as possible to begin Lent in the best way possible. For those who are in good health and are not infirm or elderly, the Church asks that we keep Ash Wednesday as a day of fast and abstinence - no meat, and one main meal with two smaller meals permitted. Please use your discretion and discernment as to what is appropriate in your own circumstances.
Father Edmund

Fr Mark Turner RIP
Fr Edmund and the parish extend their sympathies and prayers to Fr Mark’s family and the parish of St Paul, Hooton. May he rest in peace
Pope Francis
Please pray for the Holy Father, who is seriously ill in Hospital at this time
Bible Women
The series continues, with a
talk on Women Warriors, Judges,
and Prophets. Wednesday at 7pm.
All welcome!
March: Joseph
The Lent devotion of Stations of the
Cross resumes this first Friday of Lent, 7pm Our Lady Star of the Sea
Women of the Bible Series
Continues Wednesday 7pm, Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Centre. All welcome.
Lent Fast Day
The CAFOD Lent Fast Day this year will be on Friday 14 March. The twice-yearly Fast Days are our opportunity to eat more simply, to pray and to give what we can to support those in the world who face the biggest challenges through the impacts of poverty, war, global debt and climate change. Envelopes to make contributions to support CAFOD’s development work will be available from the weekend before the Fast Day.
Lent Lunch at St Mary of the Angels
There will be an ecumenical Lent Lunch in the Stanley Hall at St Mary of the Angels on Saturday 15 March. Please come along at any time between 12 noon and 2pm for a bowl of soup, bread and cheese, a cup of tea or coffee and a chat with friends. Cost - £5, with proceeds going to CAFOD. There will also be Hot Cross Bun Coffee Mornings at Little Sutton Methodist Church on Saturday 5 April at 10.30am and at St Paul’s Church, Hooton on Saturday 12 April at 10am. Everyone welcome!
Women of the Bible Series Begins
Deacon Tony writes:
Unfortunately, due to the limited responses received to travel by
independent coach to Lourdes, this option is not now viable. However, we do have 22 pilgrims and 10 young pilgrims from our
Ellesmere Port parishes area who have indicated they will be joining in the Shrewsbury Diocese Jubilee Year 2025 Lourdes pilgrimage, from 25th July 2025 to 31 July 2025, led by Bishop Mark. Booking forms are available on their website: I and a number of pilgrims from Ellesmere Port and Hooton will be staying in the Hotel Stella this year whilst in Lourdes. Do consider joining with us this year in the Holy Shrine of Lourdes. Details on the Shrewsbury website as above or speak with me.
Palm Sunday Weekend Pathway Charity Walk
A 12-mile charity walk along the scenic Wirral Way on Palm Sunday weekend, Saturday 12 April. Funds raised will go towards essential maintenance and building projects. Sign up today! Entry is £5 per person or £10 for a group of 5. You can also support us by sponsoring a walker or making a donation. Register now via the website: rcchep.co.uk or email contact events@rcchep.co.uk
Have Your Say on Parish Social Events!
We want to make our parish social events more engaging and enjoyable for everyone! Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey and share your thoughts on the types of events you'd love to see, how often they should happen, and the best ways to keep you informed.
Your feedback will help shape our future gatherings!
Thank you for being part of our parish community!