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The Women of The Bible
Father Edmund
09th Febuary 2025
This series will highlight as many as thirty women from the pages of the Bible. You might not have considered reading the Scriptures through the eyes of the women of the Bible before, but to do so will open up fascinating stories and characters, women of incredible courage, fierce zeal, and sometimes (as show with Judith, above) the resolve to kill Israel’s enemies. Each talk will narrate the life of the chosen characters and see the part they played in the drama of Salvation.
Part One: Women of the Old Testament
Talk 1 Women of the Torah Wednesday 19 February at 7pm
Talk 2 Women Sinners, Saints, and Queens Wednesday 26 February at 7pm
Talk 3 Women Warriors, Judges, and Prophets Wednesday 5 March at 7pm
Part Two: Women of the New Testament
Talk 4 Unexpected Mothers Wednesday 19 March at 7pm
Talk 5 Sisters and Wives Wednesday 26 March at 7pm
Talk 6 Pioneers of the Early Church Wednesday 2 April at 7pm
The Biblical characters we will cover are: Eve and Noah’s wife, Sarah and Hagar, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, Manoah’s wife, Zipporah and Miriam, Hannah, Bathsheba, and Abigail, Rahab and Tamar, Ruth and Naomi, Esther, Deborah, Judith, and Jael, Elizabeth and our Lady, Martha, Mary, Pontius Pilate’s wife, Lydia, Priscilla, Tabitha, and Phoebe. Talks take place in Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Centre. Please note the later start time of 7pm to avoid a clash with the Novena at 6.15pm. You might consider going to the Novena first then coming to the talk following? Please bring your Bible with you to the talks, too.