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The Live-Streaming 2024

Father Edmund

22nd December 2024

One of our principal ways of reaching out as a parish is via the live-streaming of Masses and other Liturgies via the webcam and Church Services online. This service, only made possible through he generosity of parishioners, allows the housebound and the sick to join with the offering of the Holy Mass from their homes or hospital wards, allows family members living overseas to join with their extended families for a loved ones funeral, if they cannot make the journey, or to join online for a happy occasion such as a wedding or a baptism or a first Holy Communion. This spiritual life-line also allows parishioners to visit the Blessed Sacrament, albeit virtually, to make a brief ‘visit’ to Church before going to sleep, or else to say a prayer, when unable to come to Church physically.

Our live-streaming in 2024 has reached new levels of interaction. I share with you, below, the statistics from just before Christmas:

Number of Viewers: 132,894 (this is the total number of viewers logging on)
Number of Unique Viewers: 53,677 (this is the real number of those viewing, counted once)
Total Time Viewed: 62,958 hours

Top Countries by Number of Viewers:
1. United Kingdom
2. USA
3. Ireland
4. Slovakia
5. Spain
6. Germany
7. Canada

Still no viewer from the Vatican City… there’s always next year, I suppose!

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