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Live Masses
Live stream Our Lady's Star of the Sea

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Masses are recorded and shown in the section ‘Watch Videos’

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Mass Times

Saturday 13 July
St Henry

5pm Parishioners 

Sunday 14 July
Fifteenth Sunday 

11am Ethel Patricia Doyle RIP 

Monday 15 July
St Bonaventure 

No Mass Today

Tuesday 16 July
Our Lady of Mt Carmel 

No Mass Today

Wednesday 17 July

No Mass Today

Thursday 18 July

No Mass Today

Friday 19 July
St John Plessington 

9:30am Mass for Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School (in Church) 

Saturday 20 July

Saturday of our Lady 

5pm Mark Rymel RIP Birthday Remembrance 

Sunday 21 July

Sixteenth Sunday 

11am Andy Farrell RIP Birthday Remembrance 

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