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Mass Times
Saturday 01 March
St David
5pm Giuseppe Contilli RIP Birthday Remembr.
Sunday 02 March
Eighth Sunday
9am Bernie Garner RIP
11am Parishioners
12:45pm Baptism: Zane Chiziterem Okah
1:30pm Baptism: Renne Madeline McNally
2:15pm Baptism: Órlaith Alice Rose Bullock
5pm Charismatic Prayer Group
Monday 03 March
12:15pm Peter Awin RIP
Tuesday 04 March
1:30pm Requiem: Marjorie Stubbs RIP
Wednesday 05 March
Ash Wednesday
Day of Fast & Abstinence
8am Additional Mass for Ash Wednesday
12:15pm Nicola Gormley RIP
6:15pm Additional Mass for Ash Wednesday
Thursday 06 March
Lent Feria
11:45pm The holy Rosary is prayed before Mass
12:15pm Pat McMahon
Friday 07 March
Lent Feria
7pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday 08 March
Lent Feria
5pm Bridget Harris RIP
Sunday 09 March
First Sunday of Lent
9am Hugh Jones RIP
11am Margaret & Anthony Connolly 52nd Anni.