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Childrens Prayer Space
Father Edmund
15 November 2024
My thanks to all those involved in creating this beautiful prayer space for children in Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Centre. It has been put together by Vicky Millard and others working with her and is designed to invite children to have their own quiet time with God: reading Bible stories, writing prayers, sitting still for a few moments, or playing with the Bible or Church inspired figures and play sets.
My thanks, too to St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School and St Saviour Catholic Primary School who have donated books and other items for this initiative - and to St Bernard Catholic Primary School who made the impressive and huge Advent wreath with candles on the left of the photograph above.
It is great to see children and families already using this area either during Sunday 11am Mass Children’s Liturgy, or during post-Mass refreshments, and also during the Saturday Hot Mea Provision.
If you’re able to stay after 11am Mass - or return following the 9am Mass or the vigil Mass the evening before - and come to the Parish Christmas Celebration, do have a look around at the various baskets and bookcases. It has been lovingly and carefully put together.