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40' Hours Devotion

Father Edmund

12 May 2024

What is the Forty Hours’ Devotion?

It is Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for a continuous period of prayer, with the Church open all day and night.


When will it take place?

I will celebrate Mass at 7pm on Friday 31 May to begin our period of Forty Hours and Adoration will commence from the end of that Mass. Adoration will be paused for the celebration of the 5pm vigil Mass on Saturday evening and then resumed following. 


How do I pray?

Visiting the the Blessed Sacrament during this extended period of prayer is a wonderful grace and a moment to be still before the Lord Who is truly Present on the Altar. Words are not always necessary. Simply to be in the Presence of the Lord and open your heart to Him: this can be a very powerful way of prayer.


How long should I stay?

You can stay for as long as you wish. You can come and go. The Parish Centre will be open for the bathroom facilities also, if you are staying for a longer period of time. You're welcome to sign up for an hour of prayer so I can be sure that the Blessed Sacrament is accompanied at all times. You might make this hour a special time of prayer for your family or any particular intentions you might have. 


During the Night

The most profound moments of prayer and intimacy with the Lord can be experienced in the hours of the night or just as the Sun is dawning. The Scriptures tell us that the Lord went up into the mountains to pray, often all night. This unique time of Forty Hours might invite you to consider praying at a time of day that you might not have considered before: to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament before the Sun rises or after the Sun sets.


Availability for Confession

I hope to be present for most, if not all, of the period of the Forty Hours, as I was last year when we had this Devotion for the first time. I shall be available for anyone who wishes to take the opportunity to go to Confession during this extended period of prayer. 


Entering and Leaving Church

As The Lord will be Present on the Altar, please be sure to enter and leave Church with particular reverence. If able, this is shown by genuflecting or kneeling for a moment in silent prayer. Just this movement and gesture is itself deeply prayerful. I remember being encouraged to never genuflect without saying a word of prayer to the Lord, or remembering someone who I had promised to pray for, or simply telling Him - in the last words of Pope Benedict - Jesus, I love You.


A Time of Grace and A Source of Grace

My prayer is that this focused and directed period of Adoration will be a time of grace for our parish and a source of many graces that the Lord wishes to give to us all. Last year, I wanted to entrust the 3 Social Projects to the Lord’s Providence. This year, I wish to especially entrust the children and families of our parish to Him as we discern how best to serve them. 

Petitions and Prayers

On the lower step of the Sanctuary there will be a place for you to leave your written prayers, petitions, and requests for the Lord. Please feel able to spend sometime writing these either at home or when you visit the Blessed Sacrament. You may wish to simply write all the names of your family and friends on to remember them before the Lord in prayer. You may wish to write a particular prayer or petition - or even ask God for what you might consider a miracle or an impossible request beyond what you might have felt able to ask Him previously. God wishes to give us all good things: be bold and invite God to bless you. 

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