Church decorations come down this
Sunday - if anyone might be willing to lend a hand (briefly) after 11am Mass to take the small Crib and trees down, that would be much
Parish Office
Closed due to staff illness at present.
Please bear with us
Cafod Quiz
The popular CAFOD Quiz - the first of
2025 - takes place this coming Friday
evening at 7.30pm
My apologies for the abrupt cancellation of weekday Masses this past week. I began the vigil Mass on Saturday evening feeling somewhat under the weather, but by Sunday morning, it was clear I was not well at all. The past week has been a battle with ‘flu and I must admit to being completely floored by it. It came on very suddenly and has left me feeling very weak. I apologise to those who came expecting Mass this week and also the Luke Talk on Wednesday evening. I also had to stand back from a funeral this week, the first time in 12 years of Priesthood that sickness has prevented me for caring for a family in this important way. My thanks to Deacon Tony for stepping in and to the bereaved family for their forbearance at such a difficult time for them. This coming week, too will be a reduced programme, with no Luke Talk, and seeing Fr Neill Robb coming from Chester to supply a Mass on Wednesday and then next weekend’s Masses, too. Thank you for your patience. I will endeavour to celebrate this weekend’s Masses for you, at the time of the Newsletter going to print; I won’t greet you after the Masses, however as you will understand. Thank you for all the kind offers of Red Cross Parcels; thankfully, I am well supplied, and could open a branch of Boots The Chemists in the Presbytery with the remedies I have at hand. Thank you.
As the Lord begins His ministry of healing and teaching by submitting to baptism at the hand of St John, His cousin, let us ask that God, Who began His work in us through our baptism, may bless us in the week ahead.
Each sacrament serves as a channel of God's grace and is deeply rooted in the tradition and teachings of the Church. They mark significant moments and transitions in the life of a Catholic, nurturing their faith and relationship with God
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